I've been thinking about how exploitative the whole idea of a battle pass is again. Specifically with Fortnite where it's all about the cosmetics, getting vbucks which only a handful of people who bought a niche singleplayer mode before a select date can get without real money, etc.
But now that I think of it, is the whole "fortnite creative promotional" things the real exploitation? y'know in a "roblox child labor" type way?
@Battle_Masker To be fair you can get SOME vbucks (300) for free each season. Most of my friends haven't spent a dime on the game have gotten battlepasses and a handful of other stuff since they give back more than the initial cost. Creative is in a terrible place imo and the lack of moderation from Epic is contributing to the exploit-y nature of it. UEFN and its rocky launch have made things worse in some ways for mappers and players. It seriously needs to change.
@Battle_Masker Creative is kind of weird at the moment. There will always be creators and the players, like Dreams for PS4. As long as people are paid back for their efforts I think it's okay.
Their economy is flawless, $12 crew pack every other month with tons of bonuses. I haven't paid 950 for a BP in years. It's exploitative, yes, but FN really became the only live service game where it's mandatory/worth it to earn. Everyone else doesn't matter.